Learning Resources


Free Git Resources

Git is a very powerful and useful tool that almost every modern developer uses. If you haven't started using it by now, you should definitely take it for a test drive. My advice is: spend 2-3 hours learning and practicing Git with GitHub. There are a lot of helpful tools, programs, websites and tips out there (including this website!).

Helpful learning tools and books

When you're first learning Git, it can be hard to understand what you're doing, and why you're doing it. The why, however, is usually pretty straightforward. We use Git because version control and peer collaboration is important in todays modern software workflow. But learning what you're doing can be very hard at first. Below is a list of helpful tools that can help you learn Git a bit easier.

Learn Git Branching — learngitbranching.js.org

This is is probably the #1 most helpful tool when learning Git. It helped me get, it's helped a lot of my friends, and it's an insanely powerful website that really helps you visualize your Git workflow from the command line. https://learngitbranching.js.org/

Try GitHub — try.github.io

There are plenty of useful articles directly from GitHub that can help you out. I won't go into detail about them all. Instead, you'll need to explore which articles are right for you. https://try.github.io/

Git: Notes for Professionals (Free Book) — books.goalkicker.com/GitBook/

61 beautiful chapters of everything Git related. Honestly, you won't use most of it, but if you want to become the Git expert in your area, this is the way to do it. I recommend downloading this book (it's free) and skimming through the parts that you want to learn about. But if you're brand new to Git, this book can feel a bit overwhelming.

GitHub CLI — cli.github.com

Git comes with a lot of commands, and not all of them are easily accessible for working with GitHub. But GitHub and their maximum cleverness have come up with a GitHub CLI tool which makes things like checking out a PR really easy. If you use GitHub a lot, this could be a useful tool for you. https://cli.github.com/

Helpful Git courses

Git for Everybody Course (free)

The Git for Everybody course (on this website, here, or on YouTube on this playlist) it a completely free Git for Beginners course.

Git & GitHub Crash Course on Udemy (free)

The Git & GItHub 30 Minute Crash Course on Udemy covers the basics of Git and GitHub. If you're brand new to Git, this is a great beginner course.

Git Essentials (premium)

Git Essentials is a larger course that goes through the daily Git workflow that you as a software developer will go through. It's available here on gitforeverybody.com, on Udemy and on Skillshare.

Add your favorite Git resource to this list!

Have a favorite tool or learning resource for Git? Send me a message from the contact form and I'll explore it — and if it's helpful I'll add it (and your name as a contributor) to this list of resources.


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